Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope that everyone had a great weekend. We sure did. We did make it down to New Orleans for the weekend to spend time with my family. It was great, a little fast but worth the trip. Rhys met more people than he will ever remember and went swimming for the first time! It was so much fun. We also went out to the garden and picked fresh veggies to bring home. I keep trying to convince Jared that we should start a little veggie garden in the backyard, but Jared isn't on board with that one....yet. Hopefully soon though. We aren't as busy for the rest of the summer now, just a lot of time at home sitting and relaxing. Rhys is developing such a personality now. He is laughing and giggling. Not often but I have it on video, I will get Jared to download it for me and post it. He is also trying so hard to sit up. He wants to and man does he try. He is the happiest when sitting on someone's lap looking at everything and taking it all in. Here are some pictures from the weekend!
Rhys after a bath

Swimming in the pool with Mommy and daddy

Passed out after a long day

Mommy and Rhys watching fireworks

The boys after a long drive home!
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