Monday, January 4, 2010

1st hair cut

Yeap, you read right, Rhys had to get his first haircut that was not by his mommy! This time it actually turned out good! No dumb and dumber here! He was so good, only cried when they were cutting around his ears, and really it was because he couldn't see the lady while she was cutting there. She finally had to get in front of him and on his level to get him to be still! What a goof!

Here we are right before the hair cut started!

Getting down to business! As you an see Jared is a little worried about the little guy! is the end result!

What a cutie! Although, I was loving the long shaggy look but it is all good. I am sure that it will grow back.


  1. How precious! I need to come see him and have some Zamarippa time. I miss you guys, little man especially. You always know if you need a free sitter...

  2. I am pretty sure that little guy will be a heartbreaker no matter what the haircut is! He is so cute!
