Almost 4 months old now, Rhys is making some huge leaps and bounds. We have finally gotten a schedule done, only to start going to the babysitter next week. Rhys has been kinds fussy this week, but I think that he just isn't satisfied with his bottle anymore. So, we have begun to add rice cereal to his feeding schedule. We started yesterday and he really likes it! Tonight when Jared was feeding him, he would cry in between spoonfuls. Not really crying, more like a whining. When Jared would get close with the spoon, he would get a really big smile on his face and open his mouth wide. In other things, we have figured out that Rhys again, is just like his daddy. He can sleep though anything. Jared has been putting down new flooring in our house this week with the help of our friend Paul. Well, last night they were working on the floors and Rhys fell asleep earlier than normal so I put him down in his crib. He slept through all of the banging and noise in the living room. They were hammering and pounding away and Rhys never budged. It was crazy....that little boy never ceases to amaze me. Anyways onto what is most important pictures!!!
Before we started eating cereal